Zamp for BigCommerce: Installation Guide

A Zamp Onboarding Manager will work with you on getting your BigCommerce storefront configured with the Zamp Tax app, but you're also welcome to walk through these steps yourself, if you'd like.


  • A Zamp account
  • A Zamp Onboarding Manager
    • A Zamp API Token provided by your Onboarding Manager
  • A BigCommerce account (on any plan)
  • Store Administrator access

Choosing how you want to get started

If you'd like to install the app yourself, or with your onboarding manager on the call, you can ignore this section and move onto "Getting the Zamp Tax app" below.

Adding Zamp to your BigCommerce Store

These steps must be performed by the user with Store Owner permissions.

  1. From the left-hand menu, select Settings.
  2. Once on Settings, scroll down to Advanced.
  3. Select Users.
  4. Select Create User Account
    1. Invite
    2. User role must be set as Store Administrator.
    3. Ensure that the user has high-risk permission set to enabled.
      1. Ensure the following are checked:
        1. Install applications
        2. Uninstall applications; and
        3. Launch applications.

Once this user is created, we'll receive an email to accept the invitation and gain access to your store to follow the same steps below.

These permissions are only necessary for temporary purposes as we help you get started. You can remove the high-risk permission set after the install. For troubleshooting purposes, it may be beneficial to leave as a user on your store.

Getting the Zamp Tax app

The Zamp Tax app is in BigCommerce's official Apps & Integrations exchange. You can get it for your BigCommerce store here!

Once the app has been installed, your next step is to make Zamp the Tax Provider.

Making Zamp the Tax Provider

Before you can set the Zamp as your Tax Provider, you must enter your Zamp API token in the app's configurations.

Adding your Zamp API token

  1. Once the app has been set as the Tax Provider, navigate to Apps -> Zamp Tax.
  2. Upon a fresh install of the app, you will be required to provide your Zamp API token. Without the API token, the Zamp Tax app will not work with BigCommerce.
    1. Your Zamp Onboarding Manager will provide you with your API token during onboarding.
  3. Copy the value and enter it in the provided field. The token will be validated upon save to ensure it is the correct value.

Setting Zamp as the Tax Provider

  1. First select Home from the left navigation panel.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Under Setup, select Tax.

  1. If you already see Zamp Tax under "Configured tax services", proceed to step 6. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.
  2. In the top right, select Add tax service.
  3. Under All Tax Services, locate Zamp Tax and select Install, then navigate back to Settings -> Setup -> Tax.
  4. Under Configured tax services, select Enable for Zamp Tax.

The Zamp Tax app is now installed and set as your default tax provider.

Enabling Fallback Rates

It's worth noting that BigCommerce has safety net options available in cases where it can't communicate with the default tax provider. For example, if your Tax Provider's services were unreachable for sales tax calculations.

These options can be found under Settings -> Tax -> Store tax settings. For more information on enabling or configuring fallback rates, see BigCommerce's documentation here.

Configuring the Zamp Tax app

Setting Taxable States and Calculations/Reporting

The Zamp Tax app gives you several configuration options available, and it's all it takes to get started! See the User Guide for more advanced configurations.

  1. Taxable states (A). Taxable states should coincide with states configured in your Zamp account. Your Onboarding Manager will be available to help determine which states should be added to this multi-select list.
    1. Having a state listed as a Taxable state in your configurations means it is one Zamp will produce sales tax calculations for, so long as the customer's shipping address state matches.
    2. Any state not listed as a Taxable state will not have sales tax calculations occur. These would be states that you aren't required to remit sales tax in. For example, not having a physical presence (nexus) in the state and not having met the economic nexus thresholds.

For more on nexus, see our Resource Center article: "What is Sales Tax Nexus?"

  1. Enable Zamp calculations (B). Setting "Allow Zamp to handle your Tax Calculations?" will have your checkout experience utilize Zamp for sales tax calculations.
    1. This toggle gives you the opportunity to decide if you'd like to use Zamp to calculate sales tax for you.
  2. Enable Zamp transaction reporting (C). Setting "Send your transaction reports to Zamp?" will have your transactions report to Zamp when a transaction has been paid for or has been marked as "Completed".
    1. This toggle gives you the opportunity to decide if you'd like to use Zamp for transaction reporting, which will allow us to file sales tax returns for you.

Next steps

After the initial app configuration, you can easily have sales tax calculations and transactions report to Zamp for you.

However, we strongly encourage sellers to categorize their products and customers with our exemption and tax codes.

We've got all of this covered in the Zamp for BigCommerce: User Guide, including much more.

You can also review the Customer Education section within the Zamp Tax app itself for handy resources and links.