Zamp for WooCommerce: Troubleshooting & Logging

Troubleshooting Zamp Tax

Debug Logging

Debug logging helps identify and resolve issues with tax calculations, transaction syncing, and API communication.

Enabling Debug Logs

  1. Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Zamp Tax
  2. Check the "Enable Debug Logging" option
  3. Click "Save Changes"

Note: Debug logging will record detailed information about tax calculations, API calls, and transaction processing. This may impact performance if left enabled for extended periods.

Finding Log Files

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce → Status → Logs
  2. Look for files starting with "zamp-"
  3. Common log files include:
    • zamp-zamp_api-*.log - API communication logs
    • zamp-transactions-*.log - Transaction processing logs
    • zamp-calculations-*.log - Tax calculation logs

Understanding Log Messages

Log entries follow this format:

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS [Level] Message

Common log levels:

  • Debug - Detailed information for troubleshooting
  • Info - General operational messages
  • Error - Problems that need attention
  • Critical - Severe issues requiring immediate action

Common Error Resolution

When reviewing logs, pay special attention to:

  • API response codes other than 200
  • Failed transaction messages
  • Invalid address validation responses
  • Token validation errors

Common Issues & Solutions

Connection Issues


  • "Not connected" API token status
  • Failed API calls
  • Timeout errors


  1. Verify your API token is entered correctly
  2. Ensure your site can reach
  3. Check for SSL/TLS issues
  4. Confirm your token hasn't expired with Zamp's Support team

Calculation Errors


  • Incorrect tax amounts
  • Missing tax calculations
  • Tax showing for non-taxable states


  1. Verify nexus states are configured correctly
  2. Check product tax codes
  3. Validate shipping address formatting
  4. Review tax exemption settings

Sync Failures


  • Failed transaction syncs
  • Incomplete batch processing
  • Missing transactions in Zamp dashboard


  1. Check "Send Transactions" is enabled
  2. Review failed transactions report
  3. Verify order statuses are "Completed" or "Processing"
  4. Ensure correct date range for historical syncs

API Token Problems


  • Invalid token errors
  • Authentication failures
  • Expired tokens


  1. Generate a new token in your Zamp dashboard
  2. Remove and re-add the token in WooCommerce settings
  3. Check token permissions and scope
  4. Clear any cached token data

Still Need Help?

If you continue experiencing issues after trying these solutions, please reach out!

  1. Enable debug logging
  2. Reproduce the issue
  3. Download the relevant log files
  4. Contact Zamp support with the logs and steps to reproduce