Zamp for Adobe Commerce: Installation
Installation via Composer
To install the Zamp Tax extension via Composer:
composer require abovethefray/module-zamp bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento setup:di:compile bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f bin/magento cache:clean
Manual Installation
- Create the following directory structure in your Magento installation:
- Download the extension files and copy them to the directory
- Enable the module by running:
bin/magento module:enable ATF_Zamp bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento setup:di:compile bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f bin/magento cache:clean
System Requirements
- Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.x
- PHP 8.2.18 or higher
- Required Magento modules:
{ "require": { "magento/framework": "*", "magento/module-checkout": "100.4.*", "magento/module-tax": "100.4.*" } }
Verifying the Installation
- Check that the module is listed and enabled:
bin/magento module:status ATF_Zamp
- Verify the module appears in the admin panel:
- Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Tax
- Look for the "Zamp Configuration" section
- Check for successful database updates:
- The following tables should be created:
- Product attribute
should be added - Customer attribute
should be added
- The following tables should be created:
- Verify clean logs:
tail -f var/log/system.log tail -f var/log/exception.log
- Check for any errors related to ATF_Zamp
Note: After installation, you will need to configure your Zamp API credentials in the admin panel before the extension will be functional. See the Configuration section for details.